Thanks to Dhalamar of who posted this review. It’s not quite as gushing as some of our other reviews but it is fair. He’s one of those gamers that doesn’t dig local multiplayer, so the lack of Live online multiplayer was a huge drawback for him. Sigh, back to the network coding it is then
I’ve also been scouring the ‘net and found another couple of reviews that popped up quietly. Thanks to juice from for this sweet review and also thanks to user reviewers Emuholic (again) and wargamer17 for posting reviews at
Glad to hear your working on the network coding. Can’t wait for that update.
Well, to be honest, the update will definitely not contain any networked mode. It’s just too much work and we’re saving it for the sequel at this stage. The update will however contain 1 new coop/single player level, 2 new deathmatch levels and best of all, Challenges (like Achievements but without the points) to keep you coming back for more single player 😉