Now that DBP is done and dusted, we have to start deciding what features will make it into the final game. Obviously there’s a rather large wish list but at the same time we’re all really keen to have our first game released. We’re hoping to get it out by November and we want to have at least 9 levels (currently we have 4). I’ll leave that decision up to Adam and Scott as they’re the ones who’ll have to build them, and I believe quite a bit of blood, sweat and tears goes into each one!.

Level 1 with collision diagnostics
Other wanted/needed features that require coding efforts include:
- High Score table
- Progress saving and loading
- Totally awesome boss fights (at least 3)
- Survival Mode with ever increasing waves of aliens
- The ability to revive your fallen comrades in coop mode
- Some RPG style elements where you progressively build your character’s weapons and abilities