Square Off released for iOS and Android

Rather than duplicate all the info here, please check out the Square Off page or Press Kit for more detailed info. Please tell all your friends about this awesome game that they can now play on iOS and Android, as well as Xbox, Ouya and WinPhone. Also, if you can find the time to leave a review and rating for it, that’d be most helpful of you 😀 Enjoy the trailer:

Misrepresented – as yet we’re not LIVE enabled!

Recently there’s been quite a bit of press about our upcoming Windows Phone 7 release of Square Off. The most recent post on wmpoweruser says this: Gnomic Studios, the creative minds behind the critically acclaimed Xbox LIVE Indie game Square Off announced that the same game will be available on Windows Phone 7 as Xbox LIVE title. The gameplay will be same as Xbox version while sharing stats like high scores, achievements through Xbox LIVE. Unfortunately this is not true. Microsoft has not yet contacted us, so we are likely to publish it ourselves, meaning no support for Xbox LIVE …

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Short talks by Perth game developers

This Friday I’ll be speaking first up about our experiences developing Square Off on the Xbox Live Indie Games platform. More information about the event can be found here: http://letsmakegames.org/2010/08/27/short-talks-by-perth-game-developers/. Thanks to Nick from onetwenty.org for organising the talks. I think it’s a great way for local developers to share experiences on their respective platforms and I’m really looking forward to hearing what the other three developers have to say! UPDATE: Video of the talk has now been posted on the tube – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe4t6iyl8DQ

Armless Octopus reviews Square Off

Many thanks to Mike Wall at armlessoctopus.com for writing such a glowing review. Please have a read: http://www.armlessoctopus.com/2010/08/26/xbox-indie-review-square-off/ There are so many great quotes to put on our critical acclaim page so I’m still deciding which to use. For now I’m leaning towards “an extremely fun multiplayer experience that ranks up there with Castle Crashers, Bomberman Live and Rock Band.“.  😀

Square Off is an IGN Top Pick!

I can’t actually post links about this, but if you have a US gamertag, sign in with it to see Square Off getting some all important extra dashboard love. We’re in there at the 3rd spot which should give our sales a very nice kick. We’re still planning to do a proper sales data analysis soon. This should provide another interesting point to talk about.

Veteran Gamers interview – A belated blog post

The other week I got together with BigDaddy and Quanrian to discuss life, indie games and Square Off. After some technical difficulties due to my internet (thanks Telstra) and timezone confusions (we were spread across UK, US and AUS), the end result is a half hour segment in their podcast. Have a listen here: http://www.veterangamers.co.uk/blog/?p=679