Another reviewer… wants online play!

Thanks to Tyler from Mashin Studios for taking the time to do a thorough review of Square Off. He rated it “Above Average” which is the Mashin Studios equivalent of 3/5. He also told me via email that if it had online play, it would probably have got “Awesome” or 4/5. This sentiment about online play seems to be a bit of a trend in the press for Square Off. With that in mind, I’m redoubling my efforts towards an online mode for Square Off 2. If things go well, it would even be tempting to release a free update …

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More Square Off Reviews

Here’s the latest reviews. I must say I’m very happy with how people are receiving the game. Thank you to all the reviewers for being so kind. Xbox Hornet by WDesm by GaMeR by Kelly Eventually we will compile all these reviews into a press page for Square Off.

Square Off Game Reviews

A few gaming websites have posted some reviews of our game, exciting times! We are very eager to read some feedback on the game, both good and bad. Here are links to some of the reviews: Buzzkiller @ Scott @ gaygamer Many thanks to all the reviewers for taking the time to play and post about our game! We will post more as we find them.