WP7Connect reviews Square Off

Read it here. No, really do, it’s a great review. The support that Hyde13 has shown us in the last month has been outstanding. First he posted about initial press release here. Then he sniffed out the news that we were about to release and posted about it here, with multiple updates. Not long after we released, he featured us in a piece about how some non-Xbox Live enabled WP7 titles were better than some that are Xbox Live enabled (read: ours is!). And finally he posted the wonderful review linked at the top of this post. Thanks WP7Connect!

WPCentral review goes live, with Cubeecraft!.

You can read the full review here. I recommend you do as it’s very thorough, but also fair. Paul also gave us some extremely valuable pre-release feedback that has led to significant improvements in the game. He raised things like improved ease of bomb throwing, more varied enemy colours and general improvements in the controls (including a critical bug). Much appreciated. We posted the video review that goes with this review before, but here it is again:

First Square Off WP7 review!

We’re still waiting for the game to go live, but our first review is in. The Xbox Indie Games version was popular in Germany, and it looks like the Windows Phone version will be too. Read it here (if you can speak German, if not let google translate it for you): http://dotconn.de/main/news/square-off-review/ Thanks to the guys at dotCONN.de for the glowing review (4.5/5 stars!). What is more, they’ve also offered to translate it to German. We plan to include this in the first update.

Square Off Update in Peer Review

The free update to Square Off is now up for Peer Review and should only be a few days away from release. We have finally finished all of the bug fixing and testing required to get the game released with the level of quality that you expect from Gnomic games. Here is what some xbox peer reviewers have been saying so far… “Nice Job!!! No evil checklist issues, fun and addictive gameplay!!!” – Jennifer (Beta Cell 3D) “You put alot of effort into this for a free update…” – QuimbyRBG “Pass, Great Job!” – DigitalDNA “… that’s a lot of effort …

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Review @ NegativeGamer

negativegamer.com by Jon “Pendelton” (-1/-10) ” It’s got a somewhat quirky story, hand-drawn graphics, a touch of dual-stick shooter and a multiplayer component. More than any other game I’ve seen on the service, it does these things well.” Many thanks to Jon for taking the time to review our game!

Another great review

Co-optimus.com by Katrina Pawlowski (4.5/5) “Great music, quirky, awesome animations and art, 4 player co-op and aliens. What more do you need?” Thanks Katrina and Co-optimus! I also did a developer interview recently with Shin Hogosha, check it out on ForceDisconnect.com.