Another reviewer… wants online play!

Thanks to Tyler from Mashin Studios for taking the time to do a thorough review of Square Off. He rated it “Above Average” which is the Mashin Studios equivalent of 3/5. He also told me via email that if it had online play, it would probably have got “Awesome” or 4/5. This sentiment about online play seems to be a bit of a trend in the press for Square Off. With that in mind, I’m redoubling my efforts towards an online mode for Square Off 2. If things go well, it would even be tempting to release a free update …

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What next for Square Off?

Now that DBP is done and dusted, we have to start deciding what features will make it into the final game. Obviously there’s a rather large wish list but at the same time we’re all really keen to have our first game released. We’re hoping to get it out by November and we want to have at least 9 levels (currently we have 4). I’ll leave that decision up to Adam and Scott as they’re the ones who’ll have to build them, and I believe quite a bit of blood, sweat and tears goes into each one!. Other wanted/needed features …

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Old Stuff: Part 1/3

This is the first of three posts I will be doing looking back at some of the old game screenshots and prototypes of the past. In July 2008 Aranda wanted ideas to create a game; I can’t remember what it was for. There was a simple handheld LCD game I owned years ago that had a naval ship shooting aerial fighters that would attack it from all corners of the screen. It was a simple, yet addictive idea, and so I went and made a screenshot of something similar. I used sprites from Starcraft and Advance Wars to show a …

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My First Blog

Hello. This is my first blog, ever. It’s up and running so I thought I should post something. Changed the header image of the site, sent Aranda some characters to put into the game, and drew a little picture. Enjoy. Better stuff in my next post. Promise.