Square Off 1.1 Update Released!

You can view the whole press release, or if you just want the low down, the update includes: One new coop / single player level. The game can now be completed (ie, this level does not continue on in a survival mode style like the rest of the levels) Two new death match levels Level statistics and cumulative profile statistics. These can be seen per weapon. Added local only and friends only modes to the global scoreboards A multitude of gameplay tweaks and bug fixes Autofire option for those twinstick die hards who don’t like the trigger Ship and boss …

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Square Off on sale for $1 (and other matters)

Sale Price? Sold! Since we managed to shift 5000 copies at $3, we’ve decided to drop the price to just $1, which is ridiculous value (in our opinions). There are many reasons for doing this, the main one being that on the Xbox Live Indie Games services, $1 seems to be the sweet spot for getting sales and snowballing the popularity of your game. We’re calling it a “sale” for now, as if it doesn’t work out we may put the price back up in 3 months. The Free Update We’re still working on this. It contains loads of improvements …

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Another great review

Co-optimus.com by Katrina Pawlowski (4.5/5) “Great music, quirky, awesome animations and art, 4 player co-op and aliens. What more do you need?” Thanks Katrina and Co-optimus! I also did a developer interview recently with Shin Hogosha, check it out on ForceDisconnect.com.