Thanks to Tyler from Mashin Studios for taking the time to do a thorough review of Square Off.
He rated it “Above Average” which is the Mashin Studios equivalent of 3/5. He also told me via email that if it had online play, it would probably have got “Awesome” or 4/5. This sentiment about online play seems to be a bit of a trend in the press for Square Off.
With that in mind, I’m redoubling my efforts towards an online mode for Square Off 2. If things go well, it would even be tempting to release a free update to Square Off that included some form of online play, perhaps a 4 player only death match mode… hmmmm.
Thanks for the post on our review. I’m really interested in the online play if it were to make it into Square Off 2. Can’t wait for more on this subject.
Please put the online mode in Square Off 2, but than with up to 16 player or so. If you put something in the first one some won’t notice it and it would delay square off 2.
I just love your game.
By the way. What program do you use for the graphic? Photoshop or Expression Design?
Thanks Tyler and Jan.
@Jan The artists used mainly Flash, Photoshop and 3ds Max. The reason I’m considering online DM in Square Off is because we need to do an update anyway and as I develop the online for Square Off 2, it would be easy to retrofit it providing we limit the players to 4 and just for DM mode.